Call for Papers: Religion-Culture-Society. Interdisciplinary perspectives on religious life

”Telciu Summer Conferences” 2nd edition
25-26 July 2014

Knowing and understanding a society essentially involves the study of religious life, an enterprise which, if not undertaken, would leave us prisoners to simplistic and deformed images. In the study of religious life, the relationship between Religion-Culture-Society establishes itself by virtue of the fact that beyond the theological and spiritual content inherent to any religion, that same Religion is  a  social and cultural phenomenon. Consequently, interdisciplinary approaches are much more suitable to the present topic, creating the premises for researches which accomplish, on the one hand, the avoidance of the characteristic reductions and dogmatisms of both scientific and theological  circles, and on the other, the possibility for new aspects to be brought into view or suggestions for fruitful interpretations and analyses.
As with the previous editions of the “Telciu Summer Conferences”, interdisciplinarity is a basic premise this year also, pursuing the convergence of researchers that cultivate interdisciplinarity in their activity, as well as the dialog between specialists and enthusiasts from different domains. Consequently, we aim at approaching religious life from various angles, without operating geographical, confessional or chronological limitations. For this edition we advance several topics for discussion, reminding you that beside these other may be added at the suggestion of those interested to attend:

-          Religion and religious life in the era of globalization.
-          Religious life and modernization.
-          Religion and daily life.
-          Religious life in the field of ideology.
-          Ecumenism along the ages: from the dialogue of theologies to coexistence.
-          Religion and community.
-          Religion vs. Atheism.
-          The religious imaginary and popular culture.
-          The religious life and the Internet

         To apply for the conference, please send an e-mail with an abstract of your paper (max 300 words) and a short CV/presentation in English or Romanian to or, until 31. 05. 14. We will let you know of our decision by 5th of June 2014. All contributions will be published in a volume.
           Accommodation for the speakers will be offered by the organizing committee.
           About the previous editions you may read here and here.

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